80% of people quit smoking with just ONE Bioresonance treatment
Bioresonance is a natural, drug free, painless, and free from any known harmful side effects.
Bioresonance impact is a gentle computer controlled oscillation; cells, tissues and organs all have specific oscillations. The electromagnetic patterns of a smoker are disturbed from their natural pattern. The Bioresonance machine changes these oscillations and returns them to the patient as a form of healing therapy. Patients have often reported that they can breathe better during the therapy programme.
Bioresonance will help detoxify the body from nicotine and other toxins without harm and will take away the cravings associated with stopping smoking.
If you are serious about wanting to quit smoking and other methods have failed, then this may be the therapy for you!!
All you need to do is bring along your last cigarette which will be smoked as part of the therapy.
Water is an extremely important part of the therapy. At least 2litres of water should be drunk the day of the therapy and 2 days before and after the therapy. The Bioresonance machine is eliminating toxins from your body and water is essential for this to happen. Cut down on your consumption of adrenal gland stimulants such as tea, coffee, sugar and alcohol and get into the habit of eating more fruit and vegetables as these will improve your general health and well being once you have quit.
Following a consultation and preparing a one month “informational” remedy in sugar granules that will be used when a need for the cigarette comes, the therapy only takes approximately 30 minutes. After 8 hours the carbon monoxide is eliminated from the body but it is important to continue to consume plenty of water every day.