What is a Live Blood Analysis?
Live blood analysis is the observation of live blood cells using a high powered specialized microscope that projects the picture of the live blood cells onto a screen to be seen by the practitioner and client together. A drop of blood is put on a glass slide and then viewed on the screen. In live blood analysis, the blood is under a glass cover slip, where it is kept from drying out.
What can you see with the Live Blood Analysis?
The therapist and client look at the variations in the size, shape, ratio, and fine structure of the red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and other blood structures.
Livecell Microscopy can show:
- The condition of red blood cells
- Free radical damage to the blood cell and the need for antioxidants
- Acid/alkaline balance in the body
- The tendency to develop atherosclerotic plaque and hyper-clotting disorders
- Bacteria, parasites, Candida /yeast /fungi (indirect measurement)
- Undigested proteins and fats
- Evidence of hormonal imbalances
- Folic acid, B12 and iron deficiencies
- Uric acid crystals and risk for gout
- Poor circulation, oxygenation levels
Livecell Microscopy cannot show:
- Your blood type (this is a separate test with use of chemicals)
- Your pH – alkaline / acid balances – separate testing is done
- Your blood sugar levels – actual numeric values are best done with an alternate test

What is a Dried Blood Analysis?
Dried blood analysis involves taking a tiny pin prick of blood from a finger and “dabbing” the blood 8-16 times on a microscope slide. The blood is then left to dry in the open air. Once dried, it is placed under the microscope and magnified onto a live high resolution TV screen so that you can see how well your blood has coagulated.